The Hip Hop Professional 2.0

TitleThe Hip Hop Professional 2.0: A Woman's Guide to Climbing the Ladder of Success in the Entertainment Business
Publication TypeMagazine
Year of Publication2013
AuthorDas, Shanti
PublisherPress Reset Entertainment Publishing
Publication LanguageEnglish
ISBN or ASIN Number0989921602
Copies at the Archive4

Music industry executive, marketing consultant and entrepreneur Shanti "Shoestring"Das describes her book as "tak[ing] some of the hottest hip-hop songs ever made and put[ting] a spin  on the titles to show how these words helped to shape my past and my future. I hope this book will inspire other young women and men to learn the game the DAS way and to understand how to climb the ladder off success on their own terms!"

You can check out her work here at her website and here on her Facebook page.